Great Wall Acupuncture Clinic provides traditional Chinese TCM therapy/ treatments by registered TCM Physician and experienced therapists.
Woke up with a nagging ache at the back of your neck? Can’t turn your head past your shoulders without feeling the pain? You are likely to be suffering from a stiff neck. Stiff neck is a condition that typically develops when the head and neck muscles remain in a fixed position for extended periods, […]
Whether it’s the occasional stiff neck from a bad night’s sleep or chronic migraine that won’t go away, let’s face it - pain can be a nuisance. But there’s no need to suffer in silence or suffer at all. From the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, pain is commonly caused by an obstruction of Qi […]
Introduction Feeling lethargic and sore? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), you may be lacking what is known as Qi (or Chi). [1] Qi is the life force flowing through your body that sustains you, keeping your body balanced and connected to the environment around you. When your Qi is disrupted, you may experience a […]